
This collection will make you want to spend all of your coins!

Oprah sent youth poet laureate Amanda Gorman jewelry to wear to the 46th Inauguration that paid homage to Maya Angelou.

Vice President-elect Kamala Harris chose to wear a Black designer - Christopher John Rogers to the 46th Inauguration ceremony.


This in efforts to prepare for any citing threats of disruptions by "armed militias and known hate groups."

Family & Parenting

You’ve probably heard someone say, “we can’t break up, we’ve been together too long,” or maybe the one saying such things is you, either way, it’s shocking that it would be someone’s justification for remaining in a dead-end relationship. If the person you’re in a relationship with no longer makes you happy it’s important to reevaluate […]


Kamala Harris' fashion choices have cultural significance, speaking to her personal identity and allowing her to relate to the American people on a deeper level.

Today the world honors Martin Luther King Jr., the man who inspired us all to fight for change. Now more than ever, his mission to bring unity to Black people while fighting for basic human and civil rights ring loud and clear. If you’ve ever doubted White privilege, then watching White supremacist storm the Capitol […]

Does it feel like you are floating in a sea of pink and green glitter as you scroll down your social media feeds? Today is a special day for Alpha Kappa Alphas everywhere. In addition to it being Founder’s Day, we are about to experience Kamala Harris, first African American and first Asian American Vice […]