Community Clo

Terence “Terry” McAuliffe is a successful businessman, political donor and politician.  He grew up in Syracuse, New York where he started his first business at the age of 14, McAuliffe Driveway Maintenance.  He sealed local driveways and parking lots. McAuliffe resides in Mclean, Virginia with his wife and family. McAuliffe served as the 49th chairman […]

  It’s tight but right! Worry, depression, fear and intimidation pull the plug -no more life support. Live life on purpose today. This is my “Clo-ism” and I’m sticking to it…. Miss Community Cloooovia

Conservative GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum won two deep south states in Tuesday’s primaries. Santorum won Mississippi and Alabama. He said “it’s time for conservatives to pull together. You need to nominate a conservative to go up against President Barack Obama.” Mitt Romney won Hawaii only in the Tuesday’s primary. Romney’s campaign congratulated Rick Santorum on […]

The Virginia General Assembly 2012 session adjourned without an agreement on the state budget. Governor Bob McDonnell’s two-year 85 billion dollar budget plan is still under review with Senate members. Some of the talks include the ultrasound payments since doctors don’t feel that it’s medically necessary. Senator McEachin and other senate democrats think that the state should […]

  Here is the latest in the news: Governor Bob McDonnell’s 2012 Legislative Agenda passed by 88% in the General Assembly. The Virginia General Assembly ended last Saturday without a budget but budget talks are in the works for March 21, 2012. The NCAA field is set, Mitch Malone is on the Sportsbeat.

Happy 100th Anniversary Girl Scouts, I was a girl scout in troop #747 at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Richmond. I loved the community service projects, building character, camping and selling Girl Scout cookies. In honor of the Girl Scouts 100th anniversary they will debut a new cookie. Scouts in the Commonwealth of Virginia and troops across […]

  UPDATE: The Virginia General Assembly ended the 2012 session last Saturday with no state budget. Both members in the House and Senate must vote on the most important bill and that is the state’s biennial budget. The House has voted on a budget but the Senate has not. The members plan to be in talks about the budget […]

Here is the latest in the news: The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a small business bill by a 390-23 margin. The bill would provide small businesses access to capitol for expansion without the red tape.  Governor Bob McDonnell’s proposed changes to teachers and principal contracts was sent back to committee for more study. The education bill was killed in […]

On Super Tuesday, Mitt Romney won 6 states. The states that voted for him included his home state, Massachusetts, Virginia, Ohio, Idaho, Vermont, and Alaska. Rick Santorum followed closed behind Romney winning three states. They included North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.  Newt Gingrich managed to win his home state, Georgia. Ron Paul unfortunately left another […]

In Virginia, 49 delegates are at stake with only two candidates on the ballot, GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. Who is Mitt Romney? Is he a conservative, moderate or liberal? Virginia Senator Donald McEachin said ” the republicans don’t know”. Senator McEachin said Mitt Romney will be anything to win the republican presidential […]

Delegate Charniele Herring, Democrat, Represents District 46, Virginia General Assembly. Delegate Herring is the House Minority Whip and recently appeared on MSNBC’s  the “Ed Show.” The discussion was the delayed vote on the intravaginal ultrasound for women seeking an abortion in Virginia. The bill was amended and now women will have to undergo a standard “jelly on the belly” […]

Today is “Super Tuesday” in 10 states including Virginia. There are 400 delegates at stake today. However, the voter turnout is expected to be lite in Virginia as GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney and Ron Paul will only appear on the ballot. With the GOP primaries in Virginia, political analysts are evaluating and predicting the direction […]