News One

In a hard-fought runoff election, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel was returned to office for a second term, despite concerns over gang violence that spiked during his…

Republicans believe voter ID laws prevent fraud while Democrats believe it’s a way to keep certain groups from being able to vote. Listen to the…

News One

Nigeria welcomed its new president yesterday, the military leader and northern Muslim, Muhammadu Buhari.

News One

For the first time ever, President Barack Obama spoke about the idea of mandatory voting, the Washington Times reports. During a town hall meeting in Cleveland this week,…

News One

You’ve hit the streets. You’ve carried picket signs. You’ve joined choruses “No Justice, No Peace,” “I Can’t Breathe,” and even “Fight the Power.” You were angered…

News One

If you haven’t seen it, there’s a video circulating of Mike Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head standing outside the Ferguson, Mo., police headquarters shouting “Burn this…

You know that test they gave black people to try and prevent them from voting. Yeah, well we now officially know it was impossible to…

For iPhone:   Ken Smukler, the President of Infovoter is back on the Tom Joyner Morning Show with the results of the mid term elections..…

Dear Black People: This is a critical time in our history. Vote Tuesday or be prepared to face serious consequences. Many polls show that Democrats…


A Federal Court ruled recently reinstated one-stop voting. Then the Supreme Court overturned that ruling. Does it matter since thousands of people fail to vote. Tell us why do you vote.

News One

Your vote always matters, but in a year without federal elections, such as this one, your vote carries special weight. That’s because voter turnout is…

Virginia has an election every year which means the peoples’ voice should be heard on issues of healthcare, education, civil rights, justice, jobs and medicare. Every aspect of your life is decided on at the “stroke of a vote”. And, all politics are local. There are 17 qualifying reasons to vote by absentee.  Apply to […]