If I died, who would care? I felt that way early on in my career. How did I make it through? A village of people who prayed with me and for me. They talked to me daily until I realized that my life matters. There are people suffering silently so check up on your family, […]

We’ve been told for years black fathers are absent, but there’s actually proof that is false. Listen to the audio player to hear how myths…

Somehow, these medical myths have been passed down and believed by generations of parents and children. It’s so ingrained that you probably still won’t believe…

The DL Hughley Show

Don’t get caught up in what people say about marriage. It could be what destroys it. Listen to the audio player to hear “The D.L.…

The DL Hughley Show

Ladies and gentleman have you ever wondered why a married couples relationship has worked for so many years? Well it’s probably not what you think.…