Getting the women warmed up, Kemel and his dancers moved the crowd with the Wobble and other line dancers at Women’s Empowerment 2014.     Don’t miss Fantasia getting crunk at FunkFest. What made Sheryl Underwood shut up?

George Tandy Jr. is known for his love songs. Before singing his tunes, he warmed up the crowd with an acapella version of “I’ve Got Sunshine” at Women’s Empowerment 2014.  

Case sings his popular hits at Women’s Empowerment 2014.

Sheryl Underwood knew the rumors about her: she was always late, she was difficult to dealt with, she was overweight and didn’t look good… Underwood knew the rumors and didn’t care. She wanted to be the best comedian she could be. She didn’t care about her appearance, she cared about her comedy. That all changed […]