
How many times a day do you look to coffee, soda or candy in your quest to stay awake during work or school? If often,…


How many times a day do you look to coffee, soda or candy in your quest to stay awake during work or school? If often,…


You really are trying to be healthy…you go to the gym, you drink water, you even eat healthier. So why do you still feel so…

George Felix Allen was born on March 8, 1952 in Whittier, California. He is the son of former NFL head coach George Allen. Allen served in the Virginia legislature and both chambers of the U.S. Congress. Allen served as the 67th governor of Virginia (1994-1998). He won the U.S. Senate in 2000 and lost his bid […]

News One

It can be easy to get caught up in the stress of every day life, even in the summer. Maybe your family is driving you crazy or your work is strenuous, even during the warm months. It can be hard to anticipate a vacation when you still have so much on your plate, even if […]

News One

From NY Times: President Obama summoned Americans on Tuesday to a “national mission” to move away from reliance on oil and develop alternative sources of energy, demanding that Congress move quickly to overcome “a lack of political courage and candor.”

Via: WomensHealthMag.com Sometimes those extra 10 minutes of sleep we get from hitting the snooze button in the morning are not enough. For years we have been told the adequate amount of sleep each person should get is 8 hours. Even if we are fortunate to get that amount of sleep, it may not be […]