
We’ve been experiencing the weirdest weather lately. After enduring the stifling heatwave, we then braved heavy rain storms. Speaking of rain. . . . The average raindrop falls at 7 miles per hour.


English was one of your best subjects in school. You even have pretty large vocabulary. However, no matter how hard you think about it, you’ll find. . . . No word in the English language rhymes with month.


You do a lot of strange and funny things in your sleep that you have no idea are happening. Somethings, you wouldn’t even believe unless you saw it for yourself. I bet you won’t be so excited to hear that. . . The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime while sleeping.


You’ve been told a number of things when it comes to sneezing. . . “Cover your mouth; Wash your hands afterwards,” etc. However, I bet you’ve never heard this. . . A sneeze travels out of your mouth at over 100 miles per hour.


You don’t even want to think about life without your best friend and companion. . . your pet cat or dog. They bring so much joy to your daily life. Do you love your furry buddy so much that you fit into the following category? About 18% of animal owners share their beds with their […]


No one likes to be bored. However, when boredom does set in, you’ll try some crazy things to snap out of it. I really hope you haven’t spent time figuring out that. . . . There are 119 grooves on the edge of a quarter.


Each time you take a trip to the zoo, you’re amazed by all the wonderfully weird looking animals. Their unique characteristic almost always serve a purpose for survival in their native environment. One animal in particular, is more normal than it appears. Despite its hump, a camel has a straight spine.


When was the last time you went camping? Maybe it’s not your favorite pastime because of all the wild animals. However, even if camping is your hobby of choice, I bet you didn’t know. . . Beavers were once the size of bears.


You’ve decided to improve your eating habits with a healthier diet. You’ve even started taking vitamin supplements to get all the nutrients you need. It may surprise you to know. . . Strawberries contain more Vitamin C than oranges.


We all could benefit from more physical activity. Some people chose to get that extra exercise in before they start their work day. It may surprise you to know. . . Alaska has the highest percentage of people who walk to work.


Accidents happen and you’ve had you’re fair share of injuries. Over the years, you’ve fallen, gotten scratched, burned yourself, cut yourself, and even broken a few bones. While the healing process seems to take forever, I bet you didn’t know. . . The tongue is the fastest healing part of the human body.


You probably don’t clean out your refrigerator or kitchen cabinets as often as you should. When was the last time you checked the expiration date on your condiments? No matter how hard you look, you won’t find that date on one bottle/jar. Did you know. . . . The only food that does not spoil […]