Comedian and actor Lavell Crawford is performing December 29th at the Masonic Temple in Detroit. Before he takes the stage he talks to the Tom Joyner Morning Show about how his family spent their Christmas with…Shaquille O’Neal? Click the link above to hear the entire interview. Like on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. (Photo Source: […]


The love lives of celebrities can be facinating, as well as annoying.  Some stars trade one famous significant other for another and we can’t help…


08/01/14- Comedian Chris Paul runs through the day’s hottest topics including Shaquille O’Neal and Waka Flocka being sued over cyber bullying, Keyshawn Johnson passing out…


After allegedly hitting up celebrities  like Eddie Murphy and Bruno Mars, Rosci Diaz has now conquered another celebrity. This time it’s NBA retiree Shaquille O’Neal.  Just…