Janet Jackson is no stranger to marriage and in fact, after having two previous long-term relationships that ended in divorce, you’d think she might not have marriage on her mind. Ever since she started reportedly dating her most recent beau Wissam Al Mana back in July 2010, the two have been inseparable. Now the 45-year-old […]

News One

My uncle married the same woman twice in his lifetime. Huh? Sounds crazy right? Breakups happen for all sorts of reasons like money shortage, complexities and demands of raising children, infidelity, or just plain ole’ lack of understanding about how to make it work but they are not always because the love is gone. When […]

News One

If you know Jesus, you’ve got plenty smile about like that brand new urban radio smash from Kirk Franklin “I Smile.” We played it for listeners today on Hump Day and started thinking about what we each have to smile about as we thank God for yet another glorious day to be alive. Doesn’t Kirk […]


Recently, parenthood has taken a hit in the media. Multiple studies published in the last few years have concluded that having children decreases our well-being and leads to stress and conflict in the couples’ relationships. But should we believe the research? Take an article from last year’s Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, for example. […]

News One

I am getting married soon, and that means I have to change. How did I learn this? Well, my fiancee told me so (which means it must be true). And as if to reinforce it, our pre-marital counselor (who I’ve decided gives hand signals to my fiancee during our sessions) has also told me that […]

News One

We’re all eager to find out through Michael Baisden the answers to the timeless question men all over the world seem to have – “Do women know what they want?” However, just before we find out there’s someone who claims they already know what women want and how to satisfy the ladies with ease. Check […]

News One

Okay, just because a guy LOOKS single doesn’t mean he is. But when you think about it, there really are more than a few telltale signs that the man of your interest doesn’t have a steady girl in his life. Below, The Frisky gives us 8 ways to tell if he’s (probably) single. The absence […]

When you notice that a friend suddenly won’t answer your text messages, tweets, texts or emails, this can be an unnerving and disturbing situation. According to About.com, the first sign that something could be ‘wrong’ with a friendship is often when you just don’t hear from your friend. Some people are not good at initiating […]


Aren’t we in the same time period that welcomes independent single mothers and women in high career positions? While the female gender has undergone so many evolutions in society, one would think they would be as aggressive in their dating life as they are in others aspect of their life. There are aggressive women out […]

News One

When God, Allah, Vishnu, Buddha or evolution made men and women different and separate, do you think they ever intended for men and women to be more than procreation partners? That is, can men and women actually be friends? Real friends? I would like to say yes, because I have plenty of male friends, but […]

News One

They may act tough, but when it comes right down to it, men may enjoy cuddling just as much as women. Researchers at Indiana University found that men who reported frequently kissing or cuddling with their partner were more likely to be happy in their relationship than those who did not. Women also experienced a […]