News One

Tamia is back with a brand new album, LoveLife, and she is showing that she loves every minute of hers. And with her sexy lead single, “Sandwich…

The DL Hughley Show

Ladies and gentleman just because you have these outlets to vent doesn’t mean you should use them for your love life. Not everyone wants to…

The DL Hughley Show

Often times we are blinded by love and don’t recognize our relationship sucks. If you’re wondering what signs to look out for, listen to the…

The DL Hughley Show

We know you want more sex, not less sex. But there a few reasons why a break could be necessary and even welcomed. Listen to…

The DL Hughley Show

They say sex gets better with age, but is that really true? “The D.L. Hughley Show” proves it is. Listen to the audio player to…