
Since “Ride Along” did so well in the box office, they are already in talks about the sequel. They plan to bring back the original…

The DL Hughley Show

We know you remember Ice Cube‘s jheri curl days back when he was in NWA, but is he trying to bring it back? Listen to…

The buddy comedy “Ride Along” starring Kevin Hart and Ice Cube is just  coming to theaters, but the talk for a sequel has begun! Watch…


VIA Hot107.9 Ice Cube and Kevin Hart came by the Hot 107.9 studios to spend a little time with Shamara, Laiya and Philly’s Morning Show to discuss their new movie Ride Along, which hits theaters Jan 17th. During the interview Ice Cube expressed his frustration with New Line Cinema about the release of the highly […]

The DL Hughley Show

Aleebo, the bootleg warrior, is back with another Bootleg Movie Review. Today he is reviewing comedy starring Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, “Ride Along.” Listen…

For iPhone users: They might just be this decade’s latest hot duo. Yup, Kevin Hart and Ice Cube are angling for the kind of success…

News One

Three guys pile into a cab to get beer, weed and fast food. This would be an entertaining venture for anyone to observe, but when…

It will for sure be a fantastic voyage next year. George Clinton, the grandmaster of funk, will join Tom, Sybil and Jay on the 2014…


It ain’t a real gangsta party til the West Side shows up and last night Ice Cube brought the heat. “Straight outta Compton” and in rare form, Ice Cube left brought his A-game to the mic during his live set at the Doritos #BoldStage during South by Southwest (SXSW). SXSW Hip Hop Concert with LL […]

News One

South By Southwest is a multi-faceted event occurring every March that serves as a collection of conferences and festivals. It is considered to be one of the most instrumental happenings on the annual cultural calendar and it all goes down in Austin, Texas. The big music showcase began March 12th and features popular artists with […]

Speculation about whether there would be a final Friday installment was quelled last month. Ice Cube confessed there would be a film called Last Friday.…

The Friday crew is coming together. More than 15 years after the film became a cult classic, spawning two sequels, Ice Cube is pushing for a third. Cube has been reaching out to the original cast of the hit franchise (including Chris Tucker and Tiny Lister), and most recently talked to John Witherspoon to reprise […]