What you’re eating could be aging your body faster than expected. Listen to the audio player to hear five foods that can cause stress, cellular…

Researchers say they’ve found a drug that could lead to treatment of old age. Yes, a drug to prevent you from aging! In the words of…

Scientist may know the key to slowing human aging. Listen to the audio player to hear about the rare disorder that causes people to age…

Some experts praise walking over running, while others say running is definitely more effective. Listen to the audio player to hear the latest study to…


You’re not dead yet! That is the message of Thomas Jones and John Cotton in their new book, Aging Aggressively. They want you to take…

News One

Middle-aged women who drink alcohol in moderation have a better chance than non-drinkers of staying healthy as they age, especially if they spread out their consumption over most days of the week, a new study from Harvard researchers suggests. The study followed nearly 14,000 women beginning in 1976. Compared with teetotalers, those who averaged roughly […]

There’s nothing wrong with growing old gracefully, but who wants to look old?  Not me.  Preserving your youthful look isn’t a bad thing.  right? AOL Health serves up 5 ways to age gracefully, check these simple steps out: 1. Floss Regularly Oddly, flossing is good for your heart, and doing so regularly can add 6.4 […]

Being in tune with our bodies is important as we grow older.  As we age, our metabolism slows down and we must challenge ourselves to stay healthy and fit.   Have you ever seen someone with extra weight that looks older?  Have you ever met someone who looks  fit and in top shape and looks […]