
When was the last time you went camping? Maybe it’s not your favorite pastime because of all the wild animals. However, even if camping is your hobby of choice, I bet you didn’t know. . . Beavers were once the size of bears.


You’ve decided to improve your eating habits with a healthier diet. You’ve even started taking vitamin supplements to get all the nutrients you need. It may surprise you to know. . . Strawberries contain more Vitamin C than oranges.


We all could benefit from more physical activity. Some people chose to get that extra exercise in before they start their work day. It may surprise you to know. . . Alaska has the highest percentage of people who walk to work.


Accidents happen and you’ve had you’re fair share of injuries. Over the years, you’ve fallen, gotten scratched, burned yourself, cut yourself, and even broken a few bones. While the healing process seems to take forever, I bet you didn’t know. . . The tongue is the fastest healing part of the human body.


You probably don’t clean out your refrigerator or kitchen cabinets as often as you should. When was the last time you checked the expiration date on your condiments? No matter how hard you look, you won’t find that date on one bottle/jar. Did you know. . . . The only food that does not spoil […]


You’ve been super busy lately; constantly on the go and burning the candle at both ends. Between the extra hours at work, trying to keep the house together, and the kids, you just aren’t getting a good night’s sleep. However, you’re still getting more rest than some. I bet you didn’t know. . . Elephants […]


Experts are saying this will be one of the worst summer’s ever for a certain annoying pest. If that’s true then you might want to watch what you eat. I bet you didn’t know… Mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.


You’ve tried a lot of things to entertain yourself while bored at work. But try not to get one of those painful paper cuts when you test this theory… No piece of paper can be folded more than 7 times.


Each year you treat your birthday like it’s a national holiday and celebrate in style. If you were born in the summer, however, you may have a reason to party a little harder than others. I bet you didn’t know… More people are born in August than any other month.

As we all prepare for our summer bodies, I am so happy that the results are in for the 7 best diets of 2011. When ‘Consumer Reports’ ranked the most popular diets, the Jenny Craig diet took home top honors.  Discover why, and find out which weight-loss program may be right for you. Why Men […]


Most people would rather not get up close and personal with a snail. Mainly because of the whole “slime” thing. However, others love to eat them. Escargot anyone? But, I bet you didn’t know this… A snail breathes through its foot.


You say you want to work out to shed some excess weight? How about having a little fun at the same time? A 1-minute kiss burns 26 calories!!