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Wash– First thing is first, properly wash your hair! Get to the scalp; massage it . I do suggest a shampoo that is Sulfate Free.

Condition- Comb the conditioner throughout your hair. Make sure you comb starting at the ends first and up to the roots. Then, rinse.

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Leave-In Conditioner– Combine the leave-in conditioner with a good, coconut oil (avocado and olive oil are great too) , comb throughout your hair. This conditioner doesn’t have to be super expensive, but you want to know how your hair retains moisture.

Based off of you Hair Porosity, you can find out how your hair absorbs the oil and conditioner you put in it. You may have hair that needs a heavy oil and conditioner.

How to know your , hair porosity : Take a strand of clean shed hair and drop it into a glass of water. Wait three (3)  to five (5) minutes to see what you hair will do. You can tell if your hair strand…

FLOATS: Your hair doesn’t easily allow in or out. Your be the type that will put oil on it and seems like nothing changes. You may have to really work on getting those hair follicles open and getting them sealed quickly. A good, hot oil treatment can help.

SWIMS: Your hair easily accepts moisture. Your locked in and ready to roll, your type of hair may not need a load of conditioner and a heavy dose of oil.

SINKS: Your hair sucks in the moisture but lets it go quickly too. This is the type of hair that you put the oil on it and twenty (20) minutes later, you have a disappearing act. You need a good oil to seal the ends.

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Air Dry- Let it dry … BUT partially, not completely.

Flat Twist- This technique is fairly simple, detangle your hair, part and twist to you scalp.

Now the best method is keep it tied up for a few days. So, get creative with a good hair wrap or hat, especially with the winter approaching.

When you untwist your hair,  use a little olive oil or coconut oil on your fingers as you untwist your hair.

To keep the look up, every night ; detangle it, add a little water (use a spray bottle , but don’t drench it) , conditioner , and oil to your hair and flat twist it again.

Yes, natural hair is a task but to keep your crown proper, it takes work and love!

Victoria Said It


5 Steps To Get The Best Twist Out With Your Natural Hair  was originally published on