If you haven’t heard already, Rickey Smiley is hosting this year’s Stellar Awards! He expresses his excitement to take on the job once again, and also reveals some…

News One

Rickey Smiley and Da Brat had a hilarious debate about the bathroom privileges of the average guest in Rickey’s home! While Rickey bans pooping by guests…

Rickey Smiley reveals his super bowl predictions for 2016! And he’s also got a hilarious explanation for why Peyton Manning can’t dab. Check out the video above to…

Rickey Smiley was a guest on “The Talk” on CBS, and of course, everyone had a great time with him at the table! Check out the clip…

Check out this clip from “Rickey Smiley For Real,“ in which Rickey Smiley and his grandfather sit together and share a hilarious moment, as they bicker over the…

Rickey Smiley has some inspiring (and hilarious) things to say when he spoke to an audience of fans live in Birmingham. He discusses why material possessions and money are…