If you’re constantly gambling all you’re money away, you can expect to have some issues at home. Listen to the audio player to hear Jasmine Sanders the top…

Sometimes it just doesn’t work out, but Jasmine Sanders has the reasons why. Listen to the audio player to hear the top 10 reasons even…

So a woman tried to leave her cheating boyfriend, but ended up getting prego in the process. Should she stay because he’s a good father? Listen…


Breaking up or being dumped can leave a lasting scar that negatively impacts one’s daily activities and well-being. Sometimes letting that lover go is not as easy as saying goodbye and changing their names to “Never Answer” in your address book. Quite often both men and women are stuck moving forward, and in some cases […]

  After the relationship is said and done, men hit you with the same lines. Listen to the audio player to hear Jasmine Sanders list the top 10…

Females are always in competition with each other, and it’s no different when it comes to animals. Listen to the audio below to hear Dr. Jennifer Verdolin explain…

What happens when you mix reality show bad boy, Ray J with hip hop prettiest pin up, Amber Rose? Magic, that’s what! I got the…

The DL Hughley Show

  Jasmine Sanders discusses that top 10 misconceptions people tend to have about single black women. Be careful! You might be believing some preconceived notions that…


Dr. Sherry Blake, better known as “Dr. Sherry,” is a therapist to the stars, though she considers everyone a “star” in their own right. Born…


VIA News92FM An online dating site is testing DNA to make matches. Singldout.com is partnering with Instant Chemistry, a service that tests DNA for “biological…

Let’s be real. Sex on the first date goes down, and often. So is it really as bad as people make it out to be?…

One time a week, three times a week, every day – how often should you have sex to maintain a healthy relationship? Relationship expert, Spirit…