The DL Hughley Show

Today women, especially Black women, are out earning men. This can become problematic for both men and women in a relationship. Listen to the audio…

The DL Hughley Show

There happen to be a few benefits to being single and ”The D.L. Hughley Show“ has the top 10. Listen to the audio to hear what…

Men typically stick to five ways to break up with a woman. One of the most popular is to just disappear and never come back.…


VIA Old School 100.3 As far back as ancient times with cave men and women, women have played the role of housewives in their marriages,…


Roland Martin talks with Stephan Labossiere about the “5 Reasons Her Husband Isn’t Getting Any”: 1. Because 2 minutes just isn’t enough. 2. He is…


VIA New Growth Hair Magazine By Dr. Luv If you talk to Ebony’s girlfriends, they will tell you that she has it all. She is…

News One

By Dr. Dip At a recent Wednesday Salsa Social, when we were taking a break from dancing, the conversation turned to dating troubles. Two of…


Breakups can be tough. And while everyone grieves differently, one things for sure, getting back at the one who dumped you can be uh-mazing. Sure,…

News One

Okay ladies…many of us are single these days.  For some, being single is a choice.  However, there are those of us that are freshly out of bad marriages and…


This week’s hot topic on the Michael Baisden Show got off to a heated start when callers began debating the best choices in the kinds of men and women they prefer not to date. With responses ranging from cops to transit authority workers, you might be shocked at some of the real life reasons why […]


In 1998, supermodel Cindy Crawford married entrepreneur Rande Gerber. The couple started out as friends, which Cindy says encourages a certain level of respect between partners. Watch as Cindy shares why she and Rande, the father of her two children, will always be friends, no matter what. Watch Oprah’s Master Class with Cindy Crawford on […]


Are men more insecure when their woman makes more money than them? How do women feel when they are the breadwinners? Check out what these callers had to say! Men, we want to hear from each of you, too. Is your woman making more money than you these days? Share your experiences and your thoughts […]