Wale has a dope song called “Girls on Drugs” on his latest mixtape, but he probably won’t be able to use it on his official…


Apparently, Celebs are just like us.   They too have guilty pleasures.  Some more than others or maybe some just aren’t as forthcoming.  Taraji really has…

Entertainment News

Could Janet Jackson be one step closer to making her return to the stage? Fans just may get their wish! According to the Las Vegas…


The love lives of celebrities can be facinating, as well as annoying.  Some stars trade one famous significant other for another and we can’t help…


Ms. Jackson is back! In her first public appearance in over a year, the one and only Janet Jackson graced us with her presence at…

If Jermaine Durpri and Janet Jackson‘s relationship was a shock to you, you weren’t alone. Jagged Edge tells “The D.L. Hughley Show” they couldn’t believe…