If every one of Dr. Ian Smith’s diets is revolutionary, he told the Tom Joyner Morning Show it’s because he never gives up. Smith is…


Is penis pumping  the equivalent to a woman getting butt injections? It seems that way. While it may sound laughable, the widely popular idea to…


Save the Date: there are only two weeks left to register for Obamacare. Rev. Al Sharpton shares important dates and reminds us to all #GetCovered.


Have you ever packed the perfect salad for lunch only to discover that once it’s time to devour it it is all soggy and wilted?…


When health guru A.D. Dolphin appeared on Get Well Wednesdays last week, the response was huge. He suggested that his health cleanse, the DHerbs full…

Listen, I understand that eating salads repeatedly can get really old, really quick, even if you’re switching up the ingredients that you toss with your…

Packing a lunch is not just something that is for grade school kids; grown-ups can brown bag it too! Bringing your lunch to work is…


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The Boys and Girls Clubs of America is endorsed by so many celebrities like Denzel Washington, Jennifer Lopez and more for good reason. It’s a…

  Now this is the news we’ve all been waiting for. According to a new study, simply thinking about exercise might be enough to reach…

It’s hard to remember the days we read words without a million links in the text, but according to a new study we might want…

  There’s an interesting way to determine whether you’re at risk for a stroke or not that doesn’t involve going to the doctors. Listen to…