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Superhero movies have taken over the box office in recent years, bringing many of our favorite comic book characters to life in spectacular fashion. Marvel’s Avengers, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy, Transformers, Spider-Man, along with DC’s Batman and Superman, have all reached record-breaking success. And earlier this year, gun-toting anti-hero Deadpool literally blew box office numbers away. […]

News One

Dunham pulled the A-lister of all A-listers for her newsletter - Michelle Obama.

News One

Idris Elba & Robb Stark star in an action-packed trailer for their upcoming movie, "Bastille Day," and more.

Oleebo  saw the movie “Deadpool,” starring Ryan Reynolds, and really enjoyed it! But he still says it wasn’t quite good enough to be one of this…

News One

Demetrius Shipp Jr. knew he was destined to play Tupac ever since he worked as a Target employee.

News One

A Deadpool film has been in the making since the turn of the millennium. You can imagine the fanboy excitement when the official trailer for the…