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It was a true Blessing as a Father to witness the birth of my kids, my Son Dj and especially my Daughter Daya because she was two months early and was delivered under emergency circumstances. It was a trying experience but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. From the first skin-to-skin contact to the […]

The "Control" singer's "State of the World" tour kicks off in Louisiana next month.

News One

Burton is being sued by a Buffalo, New York, based broadcaster over the use of the "Reading Rainbow" tagline that he made famous.

The season finale of The Bachelorette is finally here, and Rachel Lindsay is ready to pick her husband! After a season of 2-hour mega-episodes, ABC has decided to mashup the season finale and their ‘After The Final Rose’ episode into one 3-hour show. This meant that Rachel and her last three suitors would be watching […]

When Formation comes on, there’s only one thing to do…duh, get in formation. These young ladies proved that no Beyonce choreography is too hard when they performed the hit at their family picnic. https://www.instagram.com/p/BXePROTlqr3/?taken-by=theshaderoom The video has been making its way around social media and folks can’t get over how these girls a whipping, popping […]

It’s been almost two months since Beyoncé gave birth to her and Jay-Z‘s twins, Sir and Rumi Carter — and the singer is already back and looking bootylicious Although many people put celebs on a pedestal, Bey is living proof that enjoying the new found voluptuousness that comes with being a new mom is way […]

"See this is when I need people to put their thinking caps on."

News One

Ava DuVernay took to Twitter to share a poignant image of a memorial dedicated to former First Lady Michelle Obama's ancestor Melvinia Shields.

Torry notes, that it was a joke and if it wasn’t, it was still Duval’s personal opinion.

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In celebration of Barack H. Obama, the 44th President of the United States and the first African American President in American History here is his life in pictures.

The NYC radio host was not here for the former Ravens player's Sunken Place comments about her Bae.