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I need home remedies for asthma, not feeling rested, and nausea. 

For asthma, try to avoid triggers or those things that cause your asthma to flare up (pet hair, dust, pollen, etc.) A proper night’s sleep is the best remedy for not feeling rested (or get checked for sleep apnea). Coconut oil can help with symptoms of nausea.

Good morning. Please ask the doctors what helps lower cholesterol. 

A diet high in fiber, vinegar and exercise.

What causes swelling in the ankles?

Ankle swelling can be a symptom of many conditions ranging from heart disease, liver disease or kidney disease to less serious causes. Be sure to speak with your doctor to identify the cause of your ankle swelling.

What is the home remedy for high blood pressure?

2 cups of beet juice daily and 4 stalks of celery have been shown to lower blood pressure by 10 points. Please discuss with your doctor to make sure these are reasonable options for you.

What can you take to fall asleep???

Make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet and your phone and any electronic devices are turned off and you’re not using them right before sleep. Oftentimes, sleep issues are a result of not creating a good sleep environment.

How can you get rid of tonsil stones?

Tonsil stones can be the result of uncontrolled allergies. If you control your seasonal allergies, you may see benefits in your tonsil stones.

My three year has spots and scars from impetigo. How do you get rid of the discoloration on her face?

The discoloration should improve over time. Be patient.

Docs are there any home remedies for jock itch?

Jock itch is a fungal infection of the skin. Showering after exercise and drying the area thoroughly help prevent jock itch. You will probably need to use an antifungal medication to cure any current jock itch.

Is there a home remedy for yeast infections?

Yogurt actually works well to prevent yeast infections.

Is there a home remedy to stop snoring?

Snoring can sometimes be a sign of sleep apnea. Make sure to let your doctor know you snore. Maintaining a normal weight can be helpful.

Good morning,  doctors I need a remedy for a cyst on my nipple. Please help, my appointment isn’t until Sept 1st. 

Make sure to keep your appointment! Sometimes breast cysts can be improved by decreasing caffeine in the diet.

Hello, are there any home remedies for fibromyalgia?

Regular exercise and a diet free of processed foods has been helpful to decrease inflammation and improve pain.

Any home remedies for eczema?

After bathing, be sure to add a thick moisturizer and wrap with a moist towel for a couple of hours to lock the moisture in. You should see improvement in 1-2 days. Tea tree oil, oatmeal baths, and oolong tea are helpful for eczema.

Hi, I have a family history of high cholesterol on mom’s & dad’s side. I do exercise regularly and am conscious of diet. I’m looking for home remedies to lower cholesterol.

Garlic, fish oil, and coconut oil may be helpful to lower cholesterol. Low-fat diet and continued exercise is a great start.

Good morning! I have read that too much beet juice can be toxic to the liver. Any truth in that?

It is always best to consult your doctor before using any home remedies and use everything in moderation. But beet juice has been shown to be beneficial for liver health.

When hair remedies do you have to promote hair growth and decrease hair


Sometimes hair thinning is genetic but a balanced diet is helpful for hair growth. Biotin has also been shown to be helpful.

What is a good home remedy for IBS?

Coconut has been shown to be helpful for IBS and diarrhea.

What can I do about mouth sores?

Canned green beans have been shown to be helpful for canker sores.

Regarding the beets and celery – when will your doc to know to reduce your medication? Do you think the reduced blood pressure along with the medication will trigger some symptoms to tell your doctor about which could result in lower meds?

It’s always good to monitor your blood pressure at home and keep a log. If your blood pressures start to drastically improve, your doctor may make adjustments as needed.

When my kids hit their head and a knot appeared, I would wet the spot and pat sugar on it. The swelling

would reduce and no bruise.

Sugar works on hiccups also; give them a teaspoon swallowed dry.

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Drs. Robert and Karla Robinson Answer Your Questions About Home Remedies That Really Work  was originally published on

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