Talk show hostess Wendy Williams is gunning for the title of Queen of All Media. Not only is she hosting The Wendy Williams Show now…

Dear Deya, I have one simple question for you and your female audience: Do women really want to know what men think and how they…

Though Tameka “Tiny” Cottle is looking good these days after an “it’s about time” makeunder, some people just can’t stay out of the woman’s business.…

Well, slap us with a makeup brush. Instead of reporting on the latest rachet look from Mrs. T.I., aka Tameka “Tiny” Harris, we were stunned…


In today’s “Money Mondays” segment, Mellody Hobson discusses saving for retirement. You are here with an important topic this morning – how to save for…

Kanye West has never been accused of keeping quiet when things are important to him. This week, his public campaign to appear on the cover…


There are many reasons why Black students consider attending a historically Black college or university. Not only do HBCU’s provide an education, they offer Black…

Did someone confess to the murder of Kendrick Johnson? I hope investigators are one step closer to determining what happened to Johnson. The 17-year-old high…


Day 5 has proven that my body really does know how to run on fumes. I think I’ve attended just about every single event on…


What do you get when you combine a beautiful sleeping baby with Bruno Mars‘ “Runaway Baby”?  A jamming in his footy PJs,  body wiggling, up…


On May 17, 1882, Albert Jackson became the first black postman in Toronto, Canada. In 1858, the runaway slave fought through the Underground Railroad and through the…


Curves are celebrated and idolized in our culture but in corporate environments, a shapely frame can pose a dilemma. Curvy women  may feel their corporate…