About 99.3/105.7 KISS FM


With nail art and lacquer becoming more of a finishing accessory, more and more independent African-American brands have put their bid in for a slice…

J. Cole has more to celebrate than the massive success of his third album “Forest Hills Drive,” the Roc Nation rapper is getting married to…

Now this is interesting! A new study indicates white people from the south have more black DNA than any other region in the country. Listen to…


If there was any love affair that defined 2014, it’s the relationship between fashion and Instagram. The photo-heavy platform is the perfect match for style…

Will you drop $1200 for Sony’s new Walkman? Before sleek white iPods dominated ear drums and the audiosphere at large, the Sony Walkman was the preferred method…

New year, new you, right?! A lot of us are going to start hitting the gym again now that 2015 is upon us! Jasmine Sanders has…


According to Gary With Da Tea, Usher got into a fight, and fans are trying to figure out why. Gary says it was over his fiancee…

In a passionate discussion about fathers being denied a relationship with their children, D.L. Hughley opens up about his own experience. Listen to the audio…


  Rev. Al Sharpton talks to the Tom Joyner Morning Show about the ups and downs of 2014 and how to move forward. “We go…