News One

Washington’s Birthday, known today as Presidents Day, began as a federal holiday to honor George Washington’s birthday, the first president of the United States of America. The federal holiday was implemented by an Act of Congress in 1879 for government offices in Washington, DC and then expanded to all federal offices in 1885. The federal […]

The DL Hughley Show

You may think you know everything about American Presidents, but trust me you do not. So “The D.L. Hughley Show” is about to drop some…

Ann Romney, the wife of the Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is “thrilled to death” that Rafalca competed in the Summer Olympics Dressage competition today. Rafalca, a 15-year old German mare, is partly owned by Ann Romney and is valued at approximately 1.5 million dollars. Rafalca has been the brunt of political jokes during the […]